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The goal was to design a user friendly experience of a companion app to accompany a self-test mouth swab HIV kit. The current problem with HIV testing has many opportunities to be done incorrectly, to be interpreted incorrectly or to cause emotional trauma. Liberate hopes to alleviate the stigma of HIV testing by empowering the user for taking care of their health. 


Duration: 2 Weeks, 2018​​​​​​​

Software: Adobe Xd, Sketch, Invision, Keynote, Photoshop

Key Roles: User Interface & User Experience Design, Design Research, Visual Design, Branding, Prototyping​​​​​​​


Research opportunity: user, context, needs
Compose journey map
Design wireframes (Sketches, Iterations)

Create interactive prototype

Key Features

Preparation & Testing

Once the user begins testing, a 5 step process is separated into screens in which the user is able to swipe back and forth to follow the instructions at their own pace. 

Waiting for Results

This is the most excruitiating part of the experience — waiting for results. Users often feel nervous and are in need of encouragement to feel calm. 

Receiving Results​​​​​​​

Determining whether one’s results can be difficult to identify. Visualizing the possible results allows for the user to easily identify their test. When ready, users are able to be connect with a professional to receive consultation.

After Care

Users who receive a positive result may feel overwhelmed and won’t know where to begin seeking for help. To help, Liberate offers the best recommendation to minimize decision fatigue. 

This gives them the security that they will receive immediate professional care. 

Existing HIV Test Kit

Upon observing the preexisting HIV home testing kit, Oraquick, there were key features we wanted to redesign.


1. The test kit had many physical components that is not clearly labeled for the user to navigate where to start. 

2. The instructions written in the small text can be difficult to read for those with poor vision. Additionally, the jargon within the text increases the chances of confusing an individual which leads them to commit errors in their test. 

3. The results component is the moment where one might feel distraught to be HIV positive. The lack of care and assistance makes the test kit feel hostile which only strengthens the negative stigma of HIV testing.

home kit.png

HIV Diagnoses in America

Upon conducting secondary research, one of the ten major cities with the highest rate of HIV diagnoses is Jackson, Mississippi. "More than 1.2 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV, and one in eight of them are not aware they have the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."


Our goal was to design Liberate for the women in Jackson, Mississippi, who are often a neglect community. To further understand a female individual from Mississippi, we designed a journey map to detect pain points.

Additional research: NBC News: HIV Diagnoses 

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Early Stages of Wire Framing

We began drawing each screen to focus on the core functions of Liberate and gather immediate feedback. A feature we tested was a push notification to alert the user when their results are ready. However, upon receiving feedback, we learned that was a breach of privacy as it risks revealing the user is testing for HIV.


Moving forward with digital wireframes, we wanted to test if users could understand the flow of the app. 

However, that shifted our focus from the original goal which was to design an app that helps users feel calm and composed while testing. The stark features and overwhelming amounts of data on each screen went against portraying that feeling. Thus, we arrived at the decision to utilize Liberate to invoke feelings of calmness. 

Low fi Wireframes

Digital Wireframes

Redesigned Wireframes

final wireframes.png

HIV Testing

Determine results

Push notification

of expired test

HIV Positive

Support options

List of

support centers

Beginning HIV test

Welcome screen

Processing Test

Wait time

HIV positive

Results page

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